Certified Chinese Translator in Kolkata

Certified Chinese Translator in Kolkata | +91 – 9100392160 | ANA Translation: It has been observed that more than 1.5 billion Chinese living in China alone. More than millions are spread around the globe for permanent settlement or say business purposes. This survey has rapidly increased the significance of the Chinese language for communication. In fact, many Indians prefer to learn the Chinese language for their business growth in China. Although Mandarin is the official language of China, the company still uses Chinese for business communication. The power to communicate to around 1 billion individuals has great value in the business arena. Companies all across the world are striving hard to enter into the Chinese marketplace, and you will immediately differentiate yourself if you can provide your brand information in Chinese.

Fastest professional Chinese translation services by 4000+ certified Chinese translators who offer accurate translation services in the Chinese language for government, public and private sectors. Are you ready to take your business to the growing markets of the Chinese-speaking regions? Have you researched about the target market and its citizens to determine who is your potential audience, what they demand, who is your actual competitor, and other things? Are language differences preventing you from taking one step forward? You need translation to overcome these barriers and meet your objective. Native translators are fully trained to make sure clear communication between you and people who want to reach even in highly stressful situations. Certified Chinese Translator in Kolkata

We do provide Chinese Translator & Interpreter in Kolkata for

  • Legal environments (courts, mediations, client meetings)
  • Medical environments (doctor’s offices, clinics, hospitals)
  • Business meetings and conferences
  • Focus groups
  • Training programs and seminars
  • Tradeshows
  • Power plant or machine installation
  • Any situation requiring a professional interpreter.

We provide

  • Chinese to English Translator in Kolkata
  • English to Chinese Translator in Kolkata
  • Technical Chinese Translator in Kolkata
  • Chinese Translator for Machine Installation
  • Chinese to Hindi Translator in Kolkata
  • Hindi to Chinese Translator in Kolkata
  • Chinese Translator for Business Meetings
  • Chinese Translator for Conference in Kolkata
  • Chinese Translator for Market Research in Kolkata
  • Birth Certificate Chinese language Translation in Kolkata
  • Death certificate Chinese language Translation in Kolkata
  • Educational Document Chinese Language Translation in Kolkata
  • PCC Chinese Language Translation in Kolkata
  • Certified Chinese English Language Translation in Kolkata

Certified Chinese translator in Kolkata. We at ANAISHA Translation work with the best native Chinese speakers to offer compelling, complete, and flawless Chinese translation services of exceptional quality at affordable prices. Our Chinese language translators excel in their linguistic capabilities and are knowledgeable in local conventions and customs. They are adept in industry-specific translations and can cater to translation projects across different industries such as legal, medical, financial, IT, business, education, and others.

Our services are also suitable for students, entrepreneurs, self-employed professionals, and individuals who may require Chinese language translation.

The Chinese language is ancient, complex, and comprises different regional dialects. The translation process needs to be handled by an experienced linguist with an excellent command of English and Chinese to deliver a perfect rendition. Therefore, selecting an established translation company backed by years of Chinese translation experience and satisfied clients for your English to Chinese translation project is essential. Certified Chinese Translator in Kolkata

ANAISHA Translation has a vast network of accredited native Chinese translators specializing in Mandarin, Cantonese, Wu, Min, and other regional dialects and can readily cater to translation requests of any scale.

Our Chinese document translation services are comprehensive and include all types of documents – personal, official, industry-related reports, and other content. We work with established Mandarin translators backed by years of experience translating sector-specific content to deliver meaningful, authentic copies, be it Mandarin technical, Mandarin legal, or any other type of Chinese Mandarin document translation. Certified Chinese Translator in Kolkata

Our Chinese language experts meticulously work on Cantonese document translations to render accurate versions, right on time. Our certified Chinese translation services render flawless copies comparable to the original in all aspects. Our certification is guaranteed acceptance by USCIS, Government offices, and other legal, educational, and corporate establishments.

·         We translate

·         Business documents

·         Legal documents

·         Personal documents for US Immigration/Citizenship

·         Financial documents

·         Technical documents

·         Medical records

The Chinese language has seven distinctly different dialects; Even native speakers cannot mutually understand some of them. Chinese is over 6,000 years old, and its script has been found inscribed on turtle shells dated about 3000 years ago. The modern Chinese script has a horizontal text flow. Traditional characters, however, can flow both horizontally and vertically. The traditional version is still widely used in Hong Kong, Taiwan and Macau. Chinese people settled overseas also mostly communicate in old-style Chinese. This language has no articles or plural forms and no direct word to say “Yes.” Work with a professional and trustworthy Chinese translation agency with qualified and experienced translators who are fully capable of delivering quality human translation in the chosen Chinese dialect on time and at affordable prices. Certified Chinese Translator in Kolkata

Select the correct Chinese dialect for translation based on your target audience or market. Mandarin is the right choice if you are trying to reach the majority of Chinese speakers in the world residing in China, Singapore, and other countries. Cantonese is the preferred language to communicate/interact with people in Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan, and a small part of China. If your business has a target niche, you may request a translation in a local dialect such as Wu, Min, or others.